How to Convert Camel Case to Snake Case in Javascript / Typescript

Jasser Mark Arioste
Hello! In this tutorial, you'll learn how to convert camel case (camelCase) to snake case (snake_case) in javascript or Typescript.
What is camelCase? #
Camel case, also known as camelCase, is a naming convention used in programming and computer science for naming variables, functions, and sometimes other identifiers. It is characterized by the absence of spaces or punctuation and the use of capital letters to indicate the beginning of each new word within the identifier.
Here's how camel case works:
- The first word is written in lowercase.
- Each subsequent word within the identifier is capitalized, without any spaces or punctuation between them.
Camel case is commonly used in various programming languages, especially in languages like Java, JavaScript, C#, and Python for naming variables and functions. It's often used to make the names more readable and to distinguish words within an identifier.
What is snake_case? #
Snake case is another naming convention used in programming. In snake case, you separate words within an identifier by underscores (_) and typically use all lowercase letters. It's called "snake case" because the underscores look a bit like the scales on a snake.
Snake case is commonly used in programming languages like Python, Ruby, and some JavaScript projects for naming variables, functions, and file names.
Converting camelCase to snake_case #
Below is a function written in typescript that converts camelCase to snake_case:
export function camelToSnake(camelCaseStr: string): string { return camelCaseStr.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (match) => `_${match.toLowerCase()}`); } // Example usage: const camelCaseStr = "myVar"; const snakeCaseStr = camelToSnake(camelCaseStr); console.log(snakeCaseStr); // Output: "my_var"
This function takes a `camelCaseStr`
as input and uses the `replace`
method with a regular expression to find all uppercase letters (which represent the word boundaries in camelCase) and replace them with an underscore followed by the lowercase version of the letter. This effectively converts camelCase to snake_case.
You can use this function to convert camelCase strings to snake_case as needed in your TypeScript code.
Extending String.prototype #
If you want to use camelToSnake function as an extension of the string functions like replace
, toUpperCase
, toLowerCase
, etc., you can extend the String.prototype
//utils/camelToSnake.ts declare global { // use augmentation to create a new function declaration for the string interface interface String { camelToSnake(): string; } } //override camelToSnake function if it isn't defined if (!String.prototype.camelToSnake) { String.prototype.camelToSnake = function (): string { return this.toString().replace( /[A-Z]/g, (match) => `_${match.toLowerCase()}` ); }; } //make this file a module export {};
To use this, you can do the following:
// index.ts import "utils/camelToSnake.ts"; const camelCaseString = "myVariableName"; const snakeCaseString = camelCaseString.camelToSnake(); console.log(snakeCaseString); // Output: "my_variable_name"
Once imported, you can use the `camelToSnake`
function for all string instances.
Conclusion #
You learned common naming conventions camel case and snake case. You also learned how to convert camelCase to snake case using the String.prototype.replace
function. In addition, you learned how to extend String.prototype
to be able to use the camelToSnake function for all string instances.
Resources #
To learn more about string.replace, you can go to its documentation.
Credits: Image by Manfred Antranias Zimmer from Pixabay