
How to Create A Multi-Step Form In React or NextJS

Jasser Mark Arioste

Jasser Mark Arioste

How to Create A Multi-Step Form In React or NextJS

Hello, hustlers! In this article, you'll learn how to create a multi-step form with client-side validation on each step. 

Introduction #

Recently, I've been tasked to create a multi-step signup form for a project, so I decided to share how I did it in this article. 

In the old days of the web, sign-up forms were usually long with many input fields. But more recent UX research shows that breaking it into multiple steps so that the user will see fewer input fields will result in a smoother sign-up experience. In other words, it increases conversion rates for websites.

Technologies and Tools Used #

In this tutorial, we'll be using the following tools or technologies besides React:

  1. NextJS - use the next/navigation component for navigating between form steps. You'll use the new /app router of Next 13.4
  2. Formik - to easily handle validation and form state.
  3. Yup - create a schema for client-side validation and also seamlessly integrates with Formik.
  4. Material UI (MUI) - For the beautiful UI Components
  5. Tailwind - For utility classes

Final Output #

Here's the final output

React Multi-Step Form Demo

Step 1: Project Setup #

First, let's create a new NextJS project by invoking the following command.

npx create-next-app --ts --app --tailwind --use-yarn react-multi-step-form-tutorial


  1. --ts - Initialize the project as a Typescript project. This automatically creates the tsconfig.json and creates .tsx files instead of .js files.
  2. --app - Initializes the project with the /app directory instead of the /pages directory.
  3. --tailwind - Initializes the project with Tailwindcss. Automatically uses the tailwind utility classes, creates  tailwind.config.js and postcss.config.js files.  and modifies the globals.css file to include tailwind directives.
  4. --use-yarn - Explicitly tells the CLI to use yarn instead of npm which will use yarn.lock instead of package-lock.json. This is a personal preference of mine.
  5. react-multi-step-form-tutorial - name of the project.

Next, modify the /app/globals.css files since it includes styles that you don't want and will conflict with MUI styling. Modify it so that it only includes the code below.

// app/globals.css
/* @tailwind base; */ /* This Conflicts with MUI Styling*/
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Step 2: Installing Dependencies #

In this step, you'll install formik, yup, and MUI packages. Install the dependencies that you'll be needing in this example by invoking the following command:

yarn add formik @mui/material @emotion/styled @emotion/react yup

Step 2: Creating the SignUpForm Component #

In this step, we'll create the container component <SignUpForm/>. This component will handle the logic for navigating through the form steps.

First, create the file components/signup/FormStepProps.tsx

// components/signup/FormStepProps.tsx
export type FromStepProps = {
  onNext(): void;
  onPrevious(): void;
export type FormStepComponentType = React.FunctionComponent<FromStepProps>;

In the above code, we're defining a common component type that will be used by the Step components as well as the container component. You'll see this later.

Next, create the file components/signup/SignUpForm.tsx and copy the code below:

// components/signup/SignUpForm.tsx
"use client";
import { Form, Formik } from "formik";
import React from "react";
import { useSearchParams, useRouter } from "next/navigation";
import { FormStepComponentType } from "./FormStepProps";

type Props = {
  steps: FormStepComponentType[];
const SignUpForm = ({ steps }: Props) => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const searchParams = useSearchParams();
  const page = searchParams.get("step"); // get the current step using search params
  const pageIndex = page ? +page : 1;
  // get the step component
  const StepComponent = - 1);
  const stepExists = !!StepComponent;
  return (
    // use Formik context to handle the form state and onSubmit
      onSubmit={(values: any) => {
        email: "",
        password: "",
        firstName: "",
        lastName: "",
        interests: "",
        {/* render the step component if it exists */}
        {!!stepExists && (
            onNext={() => {
              // navigate to next page if it is not the last page using `router.push`
              if (pageIndex < steps.length) {
                const nextPage = pageIndex + 1;
            onPrevious={() => {
              // navigate to the previous page using `router.push`
              const prevPage = pageIndex - 1;
              if (prevPage > 1) {
              } else {

export default SignUpForm;


First of all, in line 2 we use the "use client" directive to specify that this is a client component since we're using hooks. This is a special directive in NextJS 13.4.

In line 9, we expect a steps prop which is an array of FormStepComponentType as we defined above.

In lines 13-17, we get the current StepComponent by getting the step param from the URL searchParams.

In line 18, we check if the step exists since the .at() method possibly returns null.

In lines 21-32, we use a <Formik/> provider component to encompass the whole state of our multi-step form. lines, 25-31 are just arbitrary initial values for our signup form.

In lines 36-53, we render the step component and add the appropriate logic for onNext and onPrevious callbacks. If we didn't define the steps prop with FormStepComponentType[] there will be a type error when using onNext or onPrevious

That's basically it for the container component.

Step 3: Integrating Formik and MUI  #

In the next steps, we'll integrate MUI components with Formik so that they display errors properly. Since we're using Formik and MUI, we'll create two components FormikTextField and FormikSelect to integrate MUI with Formik.

Step 3.1: Creating <FormikTextField/> Component #

In this step, we'll create the FormikTextField component. It reads from and writes to the Formik context state. First, create the file components/formik/FormikTextField.tsx.

"use client";
import { TextField as MuiTextField, TextFieldProps } from "@mui/material";
import { FieldInputProps, useField } from "formik";

export type FormikTextFieldProps = { name: string } & TextFieldProps;
type TexFieldConfig = TextFieldProps & FieldInputProps<any>;

const FormikTextField = ({ name, ...props }: FormikTextFieldProps) => {
  const [field, meta] = useField(name);

  const newProps: TexFieldConfig = {

  if (meta.error) {
    newProps.error = true;
    newProps.helperText = meta.error;

  return <MuiTextField {...newProps} />;

export default FormikTextField;


In line 9, we use the useField hook from formik to get the field and meta objects by using the name prop. The field object has value and onChange properties so we don't have to define them. And on lines 11-14, we define a new prop TextFieldConfig and pass this object to the <MuiTextFieldComponent/> on line 21.

Step 3.2: Creating <FormikSelect/> Component #

In this step, we'll create a <FormikSelect/> component to integrate MUI Select and Formik. Create the file components/formik/FormikSelect.tsx.

"use client";
import {
} from "@mui/material";
import { useField } from "formik";
import React from "react";

type Props = { name: string; id: string; helperText?: string } & SelectProps;

const FormikSelect: React.FC<Props> = ({
}) => {
  const [field, meta] = useField(name);

  const error = Boolean(meta.touched && meta.error);
  const showHelperText = error || !!helperText;
  const id =;

  return (
    <FormControl fullWidth error={error} size={size}>
      <InputLabel id={id + "-label"}>{props.label}</InputLabel>
      <Select {...props} {...field} id={id} labelId={id + "-label"}>
      {showHelperText && (
        <FormHelperText>{meta.error ?? helperText}</FormHelperText>

export default FormikSelect;

It's pretty similar to the FormikTextField component. We get the state using useField formik and render it appropriately.

Step 4: Creating Steps Component #

Now that we have the necessary input components, we can now create the steps for our form. Each step component must follow the FormStepComponentType type. To do this, first, create the file components/signup/Page1.tsx.

// components/signu/Page1.tsx
"use client";
import { Button } from "@mui/material";
import React from "react";
import { FormStepComponentType } from "@/components/signup/FormStepProps";
import FormikTextField from "../formik/FormikTextField";

const Page1: FormStepComponentType = (props) => {
  return (
    <div className="flex flex-col gap-2 w-[400px]">
      <FormikTextField name="email" label="Email" />
      <FormikTextField name="password" label="Password" type="password" />
      <Button variant="contained" onClick={props.onNext}>

export default Page1;

On line 8, we define the component with the FormStepComponentType. So on line 13, we can easily call props.onNext without getting a type error.

In lines 11 & 12, we use the FormikTextField component and pass a name prop. The name prop should correspond with the initial values on SignUpFormComponent.

// components/signup/SignUpForm.tsx
const SignUpForm = ({ steps }: Props) => {
  return (
    // use Formik context to handle the form state and onSubmit
      onSubmit={(values: any) => {
        email: "",
        password: "",
        firstName: "",
        lastName: "",
        interests: "",

Now, let's quickly create other two components:


// components/signup/Page2.tsx
"use client";
import { Button } from "@mui/material";
import React from "react";
import { FormStepComponentType } from "./FormStepProps";
import FormikTextField from "../formik/FormikTextField";

const Page2: FormStepComponentType = (props) => {
  return (
    <div className="flex flex-col gap-2 w-[400px]">
      <FormikTextField name="firstName" label="First name"></FormikTextField>
      <FormikTextField name="lastName" label="Last name"></FormikTextField>
      <div className="flex">
        <Button onClick={props.onPrevious} className="flex-grow">

export default Page2;


"use client";
import { Button, MenuItem } from "@mui/material";
import { FormStepComponentType } from "./FormStepProps";
import FormikSelect from "../formik/FormikSelect";

const Page3: FormStepComponentType = (props) => {
  return (
    <div className="flex flex-col gap-2 w-[400px]">
        <MenuItem value="Programming">Programming</MenuItem>
        <MenuItem value="UI">UI</MenuItem>
        <MenuItem value="UX">UX</MenuItem>
        <MenuItem value="Coding">Coding</MenuItem>
      <div className="flex justify-between gap-2">
        <Button onClick={props.onPrevious} className="flex-grow">
        <Button type="submit" variant="contained">
          Create an Account

export default Page3;

on Page3.tsx, we don't use props.onNext since this is the final step. we just attach a type="submit" prop to trigger the onSubmit in the <Formik> provider the SignUpPage component.

Step 5: Integrating All the Steps #

Next, we'll assemble our form with all the steps involved. First, create the file /app/signup/page.tsx

// app/signup/page.tsx
import Page1 from "@/components/signup/Page1";
import Page2 from "@/components/signup/Page2";
import Page3 from "@/components/signup/Page3";
import SignUpForm from "@/components/signup/SignUpForm";
import React from "react";

const SignupPage = () => {
  return (
    <div className="grid h-screen place-items-center">
      <SignUpForm steps={[Page1, Page2, Page3]} />

export default SignupPage;

Now when you go to /signup route, you should see the following:

React multi-step form: Step 5

Step 6: Adding Client-Side Validation #

Right now, when you go to the /slignup route, you can just press the next and previous buttons even though the fields are empty. Let's add some client-side validation by creating a yup schema.

First, create the file components/signup/signupSchema.ts:

import { object, string } from "yup";

export const signupSchema = object({
  email: string()
    .required("Email is required")
    .email("Please enter a valid email address"),
  password: string()
    .required("Password is required")
    .min(8, "Password should have a minimum of 8 characters")
    .matches(/\d/, "Password should have at least one number")
    .matches(/[A-Z]/, "Password should have at least one uppercase letter")
    .matches(/[a-z]/, "Password should have at least one lowercase letter"),
  firstName: string().required("First name is required"),
  lastName: string().required("Last name is required"),
  interests: string().required("Intereset is required."),

To know more about how to create a yup schema, you can read the documentation.

Next, we can now use this schema by using the validationSchema prop in the Formik provider component. Let's modify our <SignUpComponent/> to do just this.

import { signupSchema } from "./signupSchema";
const SignUpForm = ({ steps }: Props) => {
  return (
    // use Formik context to handle the form state and onSubmit
      onSubmit={(values: any) => {
    > ... </Formik>

Now, we have validation however the Next buttons are still enabled.

React multi-step form with validation

Step 7: Disabling the Next buttons #

In this step, we'll disable the next button for Page1.tsx by accessing the formik context.

"use client";
import { Button } from "@mui/material";
import React from "react";
import { FormStepComponentType } from "@/components/signup/FormStepProps";
import FormikTextField from "../formik/FormikTextField";
import { useFormikContext } from "formik";
import { signupSchema } from "./signupSchema";
import { InferType } from "yup";

const Page1: FormStepComponentType = (props) => {
  const { errors } = useFormikContext<InferType<typeof signupSchema>>();
  const hasErrors = || errors.password;
  return (
    <div className="flex flex-col gap-2 w-[400px]">
      <FormikTextField name="email" label="Email" />
      <FormikTextField name="password" label="Password" type="password" />
      <Button variant="contained" onClick={props.onNext} disabled={!!hasErrors}>

export default Page1;


In line 11, we use the useFormikContext hook and provide a type parameter that matches our signupSchema. We use the InferType utility type provided by Yup to get exactly the type we want. When we don't provide a type parameter, calling or errors.password will result in a type-error.

In line 12, we just check if or errors.password is not empty and use the disabled prop for the button on line 17.

Now, when there's an error in that specific step, the next button is disabled.

React Multi-Step Form Validation

For Page2.tsx, I'll leave that as your homework.

That's basically it!

Full Code #

The full code can be accessed at GitHub: jmarioste/react-multi-step-form-tutorial

Conclusion #

You learned how to create a dynamic multi-step form in React with the use of Formik, Yup, and  MUI. These libraries really help a lot in implementation and development speed so I highly recommend you check them out. 

If you like this tutorial, please leave a like or share this article. For future tutorials like this, please subscribe to our newsletter or follow me on GitHub.

Credits: Image by Thomas G. from Pixabay

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