
How to add Google Analytics 4 to NextJS (with TypeScript)

Jasser Mark Arioste

Jasser Mark Arioste

How to add Google Analytics 4 to NextJS (with TypeScript)

In this tutorial I'll show you how to add Google Analytics 4 to an existing NextJS Typescript application. We'll start by creating a  GA Tracking ID. Then we'll modify our NextJS  app to use GA. As a bonus, we'll also add typings for gtag.js to enable type safety when adding events.

Step 1: Create a Google Analytics Tracking ID #

Create a GA4 property by going to your admin settings and clicking Create Property.

Creating a GA4 Property

Fill-in the details about your website and your business, then you should end up in the data streams panel shown below. Let's create a data stream by first click Web as shown below:

Creating a data stream in GA4

Fill-in the details and click Create stream:

Fill in the details and clicking Create stream

After that you should see the Web stream details below and get the Measurement ID:

Web stream details after creating a data stream.

Step 2: Adding the measurement ID to NextJS #

Add the measurement ID to your environment variables. In my case I'll add it to a local .env file as shown below. 


# replace it with your GA4 tracking ID.

Step 3: Adding Google Analytics to NextJS #

Create a _document.tsx file and add the initialization script for gtag. This is necessary to prevent the error: window.gtag is not defined for Next.js-hydration


import { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from "next/document";

export default function Document() {
  return (
      <Head />
        <Main />
        <NextScript />

        {/* Global Site Tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics */}
        {/* Necessary to prevent error: window.gtag is not defined for Next.js-hydration */}
            __html: `
            window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
            function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
            gtag('js', new Date());

Next, create a GoogleAnalytics.tsx component and add it to _app.tsx. This will be the main component to handle google analytics.

import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import Script from "next/script";
import { memo, useEffect } from "react";
const GoogleAnalytics = () => {
  const router = useRouter();
  // 👇 send page views when users gets to the landing page
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!TRACKING_ID || router.isPreview) return;
    gtag("config", TRACKING_ID, {
      send_page_view: false, //manually send page views to have full control
    gtag("event", "page_view", {
      page_path: window.location.pathname,
      send_to: TRACKING_ID,
  }, []);
  // 👇 send page views on route change
  useEffect(() => {
    const handleRouteChange = (url: string) => {
      if (!TRACKING_ID || router.isPreview) return;
      // manually send page views
      gtag("event", "page_view", {
        page_path: url,
        send_to: TRACKING_ID,
    };"routeChangeComplete", handleRouteChange);"hashChangeComplete", handleRouteChange);
    return () => {"routeChangeComplete", handleRouteChange);"hashChangeComplete", handleRouteChange);
  }, [, router.isPreview]);
  // 👇 prevent rendering scripts if there is no TRACKING_ID or if it's preview mode.
  if (!TRACKING_ID || router.isPreview) {
    return null;
  return (
      {/* 👇 gtag function definition. notice that we don't send page views at this point.  */}
          __html: `
            window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
            function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
            gtag('js', new Date());
export default memo(GoogleAnalytics);



Lines 9-18: This useEffect only runs once. The configures gtag to use send page views manually. Then we send the page_view event. All other events like user_engagement will still be sent automatically by google analytics.

Lines 20-35: This useEffect runs on every route change and sends the page views. 

Lines 37-39: We don't render the scripts when there is no TRACKING_ID and if the page is in preview mode

Lines 42-55: Render the GA scripts.

Modify _app.tsx a bit.


import "../styles/globals.css";
import type { AppProps } from "next/app";
import GoogleAnalytics from "../components/GoogleAnalytics";
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
      <GoogleAnalytics />
      <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp;

I found this best since any change in router will only affect the GoogleAnalytics component and not re-render the whole App component while still tracking pageviews correctly.

Step 4: Bonus - Fixing cannot find name 'gtag' #

To fix the type error let's add @types/gtag.js add typings when firing gtag events.

yarn add @types/gtag.js
npm install @types/gtag.js

After this installation you should see the type error go away and hovering on gtag will show us the type definition:

Type definition after adding @types/gtag.js

Last step: Checking if everything works #

Let us check our GA4 dashboard and check if everything works correctly. We can go to realtime report and check if all the events are firing.

Verifying events in GA4 Realtime report

Why not use ReactGA4? #

Simply because there are no typings to ReactGA4 package when tracking events. Having typings to gtag ensures that we pass the correct data every time.

Conclusion #

We've successfully integrated google analytics 4 to an existing NextJS Application and add typings to gtag for more maintainability.

Thank you for reading! If you like tutorials like these, please leave a like or consider subscribing to our newsletter below. 

Credits: Image by xiSerge from Pixabay

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