
How to Implement Password Validation using Yup and Formik

Jasser Mark Arioste

Jasser Mark Arioste

How to Implement Password Validation using Yup and Formik

Hello! In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a password schema validation using yup. And we'll demonstrate its usage in React using Formik.

Introduction #

In one of my projects, I had to implement password validation for the user registration form component.

It had the following requirements:

  1. Password should have at least 8 characters. Otherwise, a validation error should be displayed.
  2. It should have at least 1 uppercase, lowercase, and digit character. The error messages should be separate for each lacking character.
  3. The confirmPassword field should have the same value as the password field.

If I had to implement this from scratch, even with more than ten years of experience, it would take longer than it needs to if I didn't use the schema validation library: Yup.

Creating the Schema #

To implement the password validation, first, we have to create the schema. 

// schema/passwordSchema.ts
import { object, string, ref } from "yup";

const getCharacterValidationError = (str: string) => {
  return `Your password must have at least 1 ${str} character`;
export const passwordSchema = object({
  password: string()
    .required("Please enter a password")
    // check minimum characters
    .min(8, "Password must have at least 8 characters")
    // different error messages for different requirements
    .matches(/[0-9]/, getCharacterValidationError("digit"))
    .matches(/[a-z]/, getCharacterValidationError("lowercase"))
    .matches(/[A-Z]/, getCharacterValidationError("uppercase")),
  confirmPassword: string()
    .required("Please re-type your password")
    // use oneOf to match one of the values inside the array.
    // use "ref" to get the value of passwrod.
    .oneOf([ref("password")], "Passwords does not match"),


Using the Schema in Formik #

To use the schema in a react, or formik we just have to pass it to the validationSchema property:

// components/PasswordForm.tsx
import React from "react";
import { Field, Formik, Form } from "formik";
import { passwordSchema } from "schema/passwordSchema";
const PasswordForm = () => {
  return (
      initialValues={{ password: "", confirmPassword: "" }}
      onSubmit={(values) => {
      {/* use renderProp to get the all the errrors */}
      {({ errors }) => {
        return (
          <Form className="flex flex-col gap-2">
            <Field name="password" className="input input-bordered"></Field>
            {/* render password error in the UI */}
            {!!errors.password && (
              <p className="text-error">{errors.password}</p>
              className="input input-bordered"
            {/* render confirmPassword error in the UI */}
            {!!errors.confirmPassword && (
              <p className="text-error">{errors.confirmPassword}</p>
            <button className="btn btn-accent"> Submit </button>

export default PasswordForm;

Full Code and Demo #

The full code is available on Github: jmarioste/yup-password-validation

Here's the demo. You can also play with it on Stackblitz: Yup Password Validation

Yup password validation tutorial

Notice how there's a different error for each lacking character for the password field. Also, notice the confirmPassword error.

Conclusion #

You learned how to create a reusable password validation schema using Yup and use it in a Formik form! Yup is an incredibly flexible schema validation library and you'll be able to almost always match your project requirements.

Resources #

Always make sure to read the docs for more info! If you find a problem, the answer is usually in the docs!

Credits: Image by 🌼Christel🌼 from Pixabay

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