
How to Parse NextJS Query Params in Typescript

Jasser Mark Arioste

Jasser Mark Arioste

How to Parse NextJS Query Params in Typescript

Hello, hustlers! In this article, we're going to learn how to parse and get fully-typed query parameters in a NextJS Typescript application.

There are three places where you might need to parse query parameters inside NextJS:

  1. On the frontend in a component or page.
  2. Inside getServerSideProps.
  3. Inside a handler from /api route

Suppose your route is /posts?page=1&sort_by=popular&order_by=asc. How do we parse this in different parts of the app? NextJS automatically does this for us, we just have to use different contexts.

Parsing Query Params Inside a Component or Page #

To parse query parameters within a component or page, you can use the useRouter hook.

// posts.tsx
const PostsPage = () => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const query = router.query;
  console.log(query) // {page: "2", sort_by: "publishDate", sort_order: "desc" }
  return (
      <pre>{JSON.stringify(params, null, 4)}</pre>

If your app is small, this code would be fine. But if your app is huge and you're passing the query object to a child component, then it would be better to have types so that the child component knows what values or properties to expect. Let's modify our code:

import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import React from "react";
import { ParsedUrlQuery } from "querystring";
export interface PostPageQuery extends ParsedUrlQuery {
  page?: string;
  sort_by?: string;
  sort_order?: string;
  slug?: string;
const PostsPage = () => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const query = router.query as PostPageQuery;
  return (
      <pre>{JSON.stringify(query, null, 4)}</pre>

Line 3: We import ParsedUrlQuery. For now just don't mind this. I'll explain a bit more once we reach the API routes.

Lines 4-9: we define a PostPageQuery interface that extends ParsedUrlQuery. We write the parameters that we expect for this route. For the /posts route, we expect page, sort_by and sort_order.

Line 8: We use the as operator to tell the compiler that router.query is a PostPageQuery type!

Now if in our VSCode editor, we'll have proper intellisense for the query. This helps alot in development so that we don't accidentally use sortBy instead of sort_by.

Intellisense for router.query in NextJS Typescript

Parsing Inside getServerSideProps #

It's pretty much the same inside getServerSideProps. We still use the as operator, the only difference is that, we use ctx.query instead of router.query:

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async (ctx) => {
  const query = ctx.query as PostPageQuery;
  console.log(query) // {page: "2", sort_by: "publishDate", sort_order: "desc" }
  return {
    props: {},

Parsing Inside an API Route #

Suppose your route is /api/posts?page=1&sort_by=popular&order_by=asc. To parse it in typescript you can do the following:

import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next";
import { PostPageQuery } from "pages/posts";
interface MyRequest extends NextApiRequest {
  query: PostPageQuery;
export default function handler(req: MyRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
  const query = req.query;
  console.log(query) // {page: "2", sort_by: "publishDate", sort_order: "desc" }
  res.status(200).json({ query });

If we check VSCode, our query is fully-typed with intellisense:

Fully-typed parsed query parameter in an API route in NextJS

If we don't use ParsedUrlQuery to extend PostPageQuery,

// pages/posts.tsx
export interface PostPageQuery {
  page?: string;
  sort_by?: string;
  sort_order?: string;
  slug?: string;

We get a type error:

Type Error for MyRequest because we're not using ParsedUrlQuery

Is it Possible to Parse Query Params Inside getStaticProps? #

You can't parse query params inside getStaticProps since the pages are generated at build time. The context does not have enough information about the incoming request at this point.

Conclusion #

We learned how to parse query parameters in NextJS. We also learned how to create fully-typed query parameters in Typescript. This leads to a better development experience as well as better maintainability for our NextJS application.

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Resources #

Credits: Image by Jörg Vieli from Pixabay

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